Kings Lynn on Saturday 26th September

Was an average meeting for the team nowadays, being knocked about in the heats 2 and 3 but bruno kept putting the car straight!!! The final and laying in 3rd position for some time when the driver got fatigue and lost 2 places (driver getting too old?) A credible 5th place got the team buzzing and a quick turn around for the grand national but got put in hard and with that damage to the front end meant handling problems and finished with very slow pace. Bit of damage to the side nurf and rear corner was fixed in place by myself on Sunday after Sue had washed the car down, Jordan will weld the parts fully so the car will be good to go for kings Lynn on the 24th October.


shiny new side nerth! after a mess of a meeting couple of weeks before major steel work needed to be done to the car to ensure it with stands the bigger hits!


Skegness 19/09/20